any game listed as an add-on modification or plug-in to the original game, program or website (except for standalone mods) exception will be some browser/flash games)

100% Multiplayer Online with no skirmish mode (ie. incomplete or canceled game even in alpha, beta or early access stage (exception is Renegade-X) abandonware/vaporware games that have little or no support (there are some exceptions) game demos and shareware with partial/limited content promotional and free-to-try games only for a limited time (discussion of these can be mentioned here) adult themed games involving pornography ( discussion of this is prohibited in this forum!) discussion of this is prohibited in this forum! Some exceptions are now mentioned from the Wiki free games list site) ROMs used in game emulators (i.e.: NES, N64, GBA, NDS, 3DS, Xbox, PS, etc.

pirated/hacked/cracked games ( discussion of this is prohibited in this forum!) The following free-to-play PC games cannot be included: Only a limited number of beta, remake, expansion, browser and flash games will be mentioned here.

For the official record, here's the list of free-to-play PC games that are either freeware, open-source, non-open-source or independent.